What is ODAAP?

We are a domestic violence prevention program working with the youth in neighboring Philadelphia high schools. We teach them how to express their emotions in healthy ways and to teach people how to treat you!

Our Mission

Open Door Abuse Awareness Program(ODAAP), endeavors to prevent violence in all its facets including sexual assault and intimate partner violence. We empower youth to be the agents of change in abuse through a trauma-informed lens, promoting healthy relationships.


●       Changing social norms by challenging the attitudes and behaviors of bystanders

●       Building generations of impactful leaders and positive role models

●       Breaking the cycle of generational patterns of abuse and violence to create a movement of prevention 


●       We believe in social justice for EVERYONE

●       We believe it is important to use a trauma informed approach in our outreach.

●       We recognize that relationships play a huge part in prevention built on genuine concern and consistency.

Beyond The Field

Our players are learning first hand on and off the field important plays in regulation and how young men can express their emotions in healthy ways.

Intentionally Caring United

ICU is a girls’ mentoring group under ODDAP that focuses on teaching young ladies how to be themselves in a world that’s determined to put them down


Boys Made Men

Boys Made Men is a program under ODAAP that teaches young men how to express their emotions in healthy ways.

Your support makes our work possible. Make a gift to ODAAP to help young people build a future withOUT violence.